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Category:GermanyTotal body protein measurement in humans by a new single photon absorptiometry. The present paper describes the development and validation of a rapid whole body protein (WB-P) estimator using single photon absorptiometry (SPA). The method is based on the measurement of differences between the tissue concentrations of radioactivity in single photon counting single slice (SPSS) with well counter (scintillation counter) and whole body (WB) measurements in fixed points. SPSS has the advantage of measuring only one slice (i.e. the third lumbar vertebra) from which radiation absorption coefficients were estimated and whole body concentrations from WB were extrapolated in an easy and straight forward way. Mean differences between the means of WB-P and WB-B radioactivity concentrations, expressed as percentages of WB-P ranged from -0.5 to 0.2%. No significant differences were found between mean WB-P and WB-B radioactivity concentrations measured on 10 SPSS. The method was validated by seven measurements in 6 healthy volunteers (33.8 ± 7.9 kg). Estimates of WB-P varied by -2.1% to 2.3% (n = 7) from the expected value. The method shows good agreement with a reference method [mean difference of -0.14% (n = 7) from Harris et al. 1990] and was found to be reproducible within the limits of error, thus showing potential for use in clinical studies of protein metabolism in healthy volunteers and patients.It's not like she got raped It's not like she got raped If you truly believe that someone got raped and it should be treated like that, the next time that you hear someone being accused of rape, you'll be able to tell. If you've gotten involved in, or followed the case of, Brock Turner, you've undoubtedly heard of the case's details: The Stanford University swimmer was convicted of three counts of rape and served just three months in county jail. The reaction was varied from a double-take and a few empathetic statements to things like this: But if you're one of those people who thought Turner was treated horribly, here's some real news: He was convicted of a single count of rape, and his victims were not incapacitated. One of the women he was convicted of raping said she was "unconscious and unable to consent" and the other said she was be359ba680

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